Everything you always wanted to know about lice ...
Lice that are interested in humans are blood sucking insects that leave bites on the scalp. These bites cause itching. Lice can not jump or fly, only crawl. They move from one head to another by electrostatic attraction, at random.
Tudo o que você sempre quis saber sobre piolhos ...
Piolhos que estão interessados em seres humanos são insetos sugadores de sangue que deixam mordidas no couro cabeludo. Estas picadas causam coceira. Piolhos não podem saltar ou voar apenas rastreamento. Eles se movem de uma cabeça para outra por atração eletrostática, de forma aleatória.
Everything you always wanted to know about lice ...
Lice that are interested in humans are blood sucking insects that leave bites on the scalp. These bites cause itching. Lice can not jump or fly, only crawl. They move from one head to another by electrostatic attraction, at random.